Woodford Green

Sacramental Preparation
Prior to an infant being baptised the parents are required to attend a course during which they will meet other parents.
The course is held over three weekly sessions lasting about an hour and a half, and is normally held in the Becket Centre, hosted by a priest or deacon.
The course is for both parents and as leaving young infants with others can be difficult, expectant parents are requested to complete the course prior to the birth of the child. Although this request might be considered harsh, it is important to realise that the majority of discussions take place between partners rather than a direct interaction with others.
Our baptisms are held in church on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month, with services at 2pm and 3pm. On completion of the course please contact the parish office to book your baptism.
Adult baptism usually involves protracted attendance with the Journey of Faith, to give all candidates a chance to explore Catholic beliefs and be certain about joining the church. These candidates are usually baptised at the Easter Vigil.