Woodford Green

CAFOD is the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development, the official international development and relief agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, and has been fighting poverty in developing countries for over 40 years. For more details and latest news visit
CAFOD Brentwood Diocesan Office was based at Chigwell Convent for 21 years until recently being required to move due to the community there requiring the accommodation.
A new permanent location has now been opened in the diocese. The CAFOD Brentwood Volunteer Centre is now based at Brentwood Cathedral.
Address is Cathedral House, Ingrave Road, Brentwood, Essex CM15 8AT
CAFOD BRENTWOOD Cathedral House, Ingrave Road, Brentwood, Essex CM15 8AT
Chris Driscoll
Tel : 07776 493 162
Fax :

CAFOD Harvest Appeal 2024 Prayer for parishes
This Harvest, we meet Daniel, a 21-year-old carpenter from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), who has worked hard to master carpentry at a CAFOD-funded training programme, so he can support his family.
Join us in prayer this Harvest as we celebrate God's gifts and seek to respond with gratitude and generosity.
Follow the link below to the Harvest Fast Day prayer video
Follow this link to donate online now

A message from Chris Driscoll, Community Participation Coordinator CAFOD - Brentwood Diocese
“To parishioners at St Thomas of Canterbury, Woodford Green, thank you for your very generous support for CAFOD’s Lent Family Fast Day appeal. Your parish of raised a total of £1793 which will be doubled to £3586 with government match funding.
“Peanut butter is a great source of protein and nutrients for malnourished children.
This donation could buy peanut seeds for almost 600 families.
It could buy 128 families all the seeds they need to begin a vegetable garden.
Or it could train up to 97 health workers and new mothers to identify the early effects of malnutrition in babies and children and save many lives.
Your donations will make a huge difference to people’s lives in Zimbabwe, Eritrea and Uganda”.
Chris Driscoll
CAFOD Brentwood Volunteer Centre
Cathedral House, Ingrave RoadBrentwood CM15 8AT

War, persecution, natural disaster and poverty force millions of people from their homes. Most come from poor countries, and seek safety in poor countries nearby. We cannot turn away. These are human beings with hopes, fears, desires and stories to share, just like each one of us.
Pope Francis has declared this time a ‘unique opportunity’ for us to press our governments to make global commitments which place the human dignity of people on the move at their heart. Add your voice to his.

Edelmira and Martir are farmers in El Salvador. They live on and depend on their land. The harvest they reap is used to put food on the table, and sold to buy essential items such as clothes and medicine. CAFOD's partner, Solidaridad CVX, are working with farmers like Edelmira and Martir to provide training and reintroduce native seeds that were used generations ago. These seeds are strong and able to grow in the warm, rainy climate, ensuring that farmers are able to harvest crops, and with that, the surety that they will be able to provide for their families.
By donating to CAFOD's Harvest Fast Day appeal you planted the seeds for an abundant future.
CAFOD at the parish Summer Garden Fete and Christmas Fayre
David at the stall for Summer Garden Fete, June 2017, where parishioners were invited sign the "Power to Be" petition calling upon the World Bank to ensure renewable energy access to the world's poorest people. More here>>>

CAFOD at the parish Summer Garden Fete and Christmas Fayre

David at the stall for Summer Garden Fete, June 2017, where parishioners were invited sign the "Power to Be" petition calling upon the World Bank to ensure renewable energy access to the world's poorest people. More here>>>
Andrew manning the CAFOD stall at Summer Garden Fete, June 2016

NB: Petition signed by 42 parishioners at the Summer Fete NOT published on the website - but available on request.

Year of Mercy parishioner sign-up at the Christmas Fayre, November 2016

The sale of artworks in the Becket Centre by local artist and parishioner Bernadette Croft, after Masses 29/30th October 2016, raised over £350 for CAFOD water projects. Thank you to everyone who purchased one of Bernadette's pieces.
Clean drinking water helps protect families from deadly water-borne diseases. Having a supply of safe water nearby means that women and children don’t have to walk for hours each day to fetch water. Having safe water to cook with and bathe in ensures that families stay as healthy as possible.
Christmas Fayre, November 2015

It's all great fun! Andrew and Brenda ready to give away some Fairtrade chocolate on the Fairtrade spinner at the Christmas Fayre, November 2015.
Christmas Fayre, November 2013
All ready and waiting! CAFOD stall at Christmas Fayre, November 2013

Christmas Fayre, November 2012

David, Brenda and Beth hosting the CAFOD stall at Christrmas Fayre, November 2012

Bernadette Croft selling her art to raise funds for CAFOD at the Christmas Fayre, November 2012