Woodford Green

What does CAFOD do?
We are an international development charity and the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales.
We reach out to people living in poverty with practical help, whatever their religion or culture. Through our global Church network, one of the largest in the world, we have the potential to reach everyone. And we campaign for global justice, so that every woman, man and child can live a full and dignified life.
How to get involved with CAFOD
Whether you donate, campaign, download prayers or volunteer you are saving lives and helping us ensure that no one is beyond reach of the love and care they need.
For more information visit

I am very pleased to be able to let you know that is now live! You will see over 70 charities, groups and local projects – and already there is a wonderful flavour of the work being done across the Diocese to support those who are ill, poor and marginalised in any way. The website represents thousands and thousands of volunteer hours transforming thousands of lives every year, and it is a real testament to lived – but often hidden – witness to faith.
It may well be that you and those in your parish/group/organisation look at this and think, “we should be on there.” The great beauty of a website is that there is always room for more – and I have no doubt that the number of organisations, groups and projects featured will continue to rise. Please refer back to earlier emails to see how to submit content, or simply email me and I will provide the information.
The website is supported by Social Media – please link to our Instagram and Twitter feeds, @caritasDOB, and to our Facebook page, to keep up to date with news from local, diocesan and national groups, as well as any words from Pope Francis on Social Justice and wider Catholic Social Teaching – we will try to keep the Social Media regularly updated.
Please share this with people in your networks – you will find the “launch message” from Bishop Alan on the website. Thank you for any encouragement that you can give.
With every blessing
Fr Dominic
Franciscan Missionary Union (FMU)
As Franciscans, we have committed ourselves to support our Friars who are working in the missions abroad. Missionary collection boxes are available.
The Franciscans have been involved in missionary work since their very early days and the work continues through our own parish. The Franciscans in this country have sent many friars out to India and South Africa in past years and, although the numbers have reduced in recent years, support is still given by way of prayers and almsgiving, particularly to South Africa.
FMU at St Thomas of Canterbury
In this parish we have the Franciscan Missionary Union (FMU) to encourage parishioners to help the poor in South Africa in several ways. We occasionally have an appeal at all Masses on one weekend, usually given by a Friar from South Africa, and we are all asked to respond by taking a mission envelope home and bringing it back with an offering.
In addition we have mission boxes which parishioners take from the church to fill with their loose coins and bring back when full. Many of our parishioners have a box in their home and it is a good way of remembering the missions during the year and keeping them in our prayers.
Further support can be given if contributors sign a Gift Aid form in favor of the FMU (This Gift Aid form is quite separate from the one signed for the parish).
Tel : 020 8504 1686
The parish of St. Thomas of Canterbury has been an active member of The East London Citizens Organisation (TELCO) for over 20 years.
TELCO is the founding chapter of Citizens UK the home of community organising in the UK, with diverse civil society alliances in London andmost major cities in England and Wales.
We organise communities to act together for power, social justice and the common good. We develop the leadership capacity of members so they can hold politicians and other decision makers to account on the issues that matter to them.
Community organising is democracy in action: winning victories that change lives and transform communities.
The declared objectives of Citizens UK are for the benefit of the public
1. to develop the capacity and skills of the socially and economically disadvantaged communities of Britain and Ireland in such a way that members of such communities are better able to identify and meet their needs and participate more fully in society.
2. to assist by directly promoting the more effective working of local and national capacity building institutions designed to pursue that aim.
Community organising is based on the principle that when people work together they have the power to change their neighbourhoods, cities, and ultimately the country for the better. We work with people who want to transform the world, from what it is to what they believe it should be. To do this we listen to our members, asking them about their concerns and
developing strategies to improve our communities. We ensure that civil society is at the negotiating table alongside the market and state, so that our communities are included in the decisions that affect them.
The local alliance of TELCO members identified issues of concern as a) the quality of social care; b) lack of affordable homes and; c) the unacceptable standard of privately rented accommodation. As a result of our organised campaigning, Redbridge Council is now an accredited Living Wage Employer, committed to paying social care workers a Living Wage. The Council has implemented Selective licensing of private rented accommodation, and is committed to the development of 250 permanently affordable community land trust homes.
Citizens UK Registered charity number 1107264
Contact: Bernadette Harris
Phone 07754477532

Aid to the Church in Need
Each year we fund over 5,000 projects in more than 140 countries around world, helping to support the Church in its mission, and bringing hope and solidarity to millions of people. From priests to catechists and seminarians to Sisters, you enable us to help persecuted and suffering Christians live out their faith.
The projects that we support have the specific aim of providing pastoral and spiritual support to Christians in parishes and communities all over the world. Often they witness to Christ in the face of persecution, oppression or poverty. In their hour of need it is the hope of Christ that sustains them – as well as your prayers and solidarity.
Examples of current projects: Brazil – to support victims of Covid-19; Pakistan - to support victims who may be girls as young as 12 suffering abduction, forced conversion and marriage – as well as gang rape and enslavement.
To find out more about our work please go to