Woodford Green
The Parish Office is open Monday to Friday between 9.30am – 1.30pm to deal with all enquiries, and is situated in the Becket Centre beside the church.
The team is:
Geraldine Mansbridge (Parish Office Manager)
Tania Khorvat (Administrator)
Maria Millman (Finance Administrator)
The contact details for the Parish Office are:
Parish Office Tel: 020 8504 1686
Parish Office Team
Contact the Parish Office for advice on any of the following:

Parish Newsletter
The newsletter is prepared weekly; all articles to be included in the newsletter should be submitted to the Parish Office by Wednesday each week. In order to send you the newsletter, we require permission. Please complete the form by clicking here.

New Parishioners
If you are new to the Parish, or have moved addresses within the Parish, please contact the Parish Office to obtain a new parishioners form so that your up-to-date details can be recorded. If you prefer, you can complete the parish registration document by clicking here

Becket Centre Hire
Parishioners may apply to hire the Becket Centre for a social event. For more information about the conditions and rates of hire please contact the Parish Office.

Requiem masses are usually celebrated at the daily 10.00am Mass. For more information regarding funeral arrangements please contact the Parish Office.
If you wish to get married at St Thomas’, please contact the Parish priest. It is usual to provide at least six months notice for a wedding. We do encourage couples to get married within their own Parish community. If you live outside the parish and have personal reasons for wishing to marry here please talk to the Parish priest.

Pre-Marriage Course
There is a requirement that all couples getting married in the Catholic church take part in a marriage preparation course. Those intending marriage will first meet a priest and together they will select the most suitable preparation for the couple concerned. For more information about attending a course please contact the Parish Office.