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The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)

The PPC is made up of the Parish priest and Deacon and up to 12 elected volunteer parishioners, one of whom acts as the Chair.
Although the PP is the legally responsible person in civil law and church law, our priests rely on their advisers - the PPC and the Finance committee – for all decision-making that doesn't involve their priestly ministry. That is partly in recognition of the qualifications and experience of parishioners, but also fundamentally because we laity are the church together with our priests, and hence must be responsible for it.

One part of the remit of the PPC is to oversee the effective management and development of all parish matters, groups, events and resources.


The second part is to plan for the future and to stimulate and initiate activities.

In fulfilling those roles, the PPC delegates to sub-committees and other groups.

Here are a list of the current Parish Council sub committees. Click on their links to find out more:

Fabric Team

Health and Safety Team - page coming soon

Becket Centre Team - page coming soon

Liturgy Team - page coming soon 

It is important to recognise, however, that almost all of the work is organised and undertaken by groups and individuals, usually without any reference to the PPC.

If you have any questions or comments for the Parish Council, please email and we will ensure that they are answered, often by forwarding to the appropriate team.

Parish Council Members


Father Michael Copps

Bernard Hunter
Chair of PPC


Sheelagh and I moved to the parish in 1978, just as Fr Brian was starting his time as PP. 
Two of our three children were born here, and all went to St Antony's, so we're starting to feel quite well established.
I have been active in the Parish from the start, but never on the PPC.
I look forward to contributing to the exciting times ahead, building on the foundations of an inclusive parish with proper lay involvement that have been laid by Fr Quentin and Kit.

Peter Robson

I would like to help encourage each parishioner to become more and more who God created them to be (adult formation) and to help the parish reach out to those non- churchgoers in the local area, that they too may know the love and mercy of Jesus (evangelisation). I would also like to offer my experience as Steward of the Gospel to help the parish work out how to implement the challenging proposals in the recent Diocesan Renewal and Restructuring programme.

Deacon Matthew Ives

I was born in Woodford Green, baptised at St.Thomas' and have been a parishioner throughout my life. I have been married to Julia for 38 years and we have had three children.  Recently I retired from full time employment having spent 40 years practising law. In 2012 I was ordained as a deacon by Bishop Thomas who I am happy to say allocated me to serve in this parish.

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Martin Sharkey

"I have just been in the parish a few years now and am keen to contribute and get involved where I can."

Patricia Jolly

I became a parishioner of St Thomas’ over 40 years ago when my late husband, our three children and I moved to Woodford Green. Our sons attended Loyola and our daughter St Joseph’s. Following university the children  moved outside the parish. I worked all my life in banking and finance. I am now retired and wish to take a more active role within the parish. I am interested in bringing people together especially those that live alone.

Lorna Spears 
Donna Patros 
Robin Shearmur  
Cynthia Oji


Parish Office Tel: 020 8504 1686
The Friary  Tel: 020 8504 1688



St. Thomas of Canterbury Church

557/559 High Road
Woodford Green
Essex IG8 0RB


09:30 - 13:30 Mon - Fri

St Thomas of Canterbury Woodford Green
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