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Holy Week

Stories and symbols are important. Basic truths remain fresh when the essential stories are repeated. So this week we accompany Jesus through his final week on earth. On Thursday his Passion begins with the Last Supper. We join him as he washes our feet, gives us himself in the symbols of bread and wine.

We follow him into his night of agony and watch and pray as he begged us to do.

On Friday there is no mass. Just a concentration on Jesus’ suffering. For children the Way of the Cross at 11am, for us at 8pm. The liturgy is at 3 pm. We go home chilled.

All day Saturday the tabernacle is empty. Jesus is dead. The Vigil begins in the dark at 8.30pm. The story of the Exodus from Egypt follows that of Creation. Suddenly fire and light appear: He is risen! Then come our new members: 8 for baptism, 4 more to join fully our family.

This week expresses the richness of our catholic life. We are not spectators. It is a Life involving everyone actively. It picks up the essential elements of sharing a meal, catering for all ages and conditions, the poor, the sick, the migrants. The door of welcome is open to all, offering the promise of forgiveness, of hope, of good things in this life and still better in the life beyond death. Do come to pray through this final week of Jesus’ teaching that says so much about his purpose in the troubled world of our present experience.

This year with such a number being received Saturday will be an evening full of joy and drama so do come to enjoy it. And then there will be a welcoming party in Becket following immediately after. You have your part to play in that too. Do not be shy.

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St. Thomas of Canterbury Church

557/559 High Road
Woodford Green
Essex IG8 0RB


09:30 - 13:30 Mon - Fri

St Thomas of Canterbury Woodford Green
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