Lenten Talks Holy Year 2025

Dear Reverend Fathers, Religious Communities, Religious Sisters:
I would be sincerely grateful if you could advertise the series of Lenten Talks below, in your Parish Newsletters. I am hoping to have a Poster printed for next week, which you will be able to download and place on your Notice Boards.
As this is the Holy Year, and the general theme is Pilgrims of Hope. In conjunction with this I have chosen the topic of the Holy Eucharist. Our speakers will all give different perepctives onn the Eucharist.
The talks will take place at 7.30pm on each of the Wednesdays below in the Cathedral itself.
Also, if there are any parishes who wish to visit the Cathedral for a tour during this Holy Year, entering the Cathedral Holy Door, please contact me as soon as possible.
God Bless You All, Rev Canon John J Harvey, Brentwood Cathedral Dean.
FORWARD PLANNING – LENTEN TALKS 2025 Just to inform you that I’ve organised a series of Lenten talks on the power and significance of the Holy Eucharist in our lives of faith, entitled, “Those who believe, don’t leave.” Canon John J Harvey (Cathedral Dean)
Wednesday 12th March: Brendan Thompson who is the U.K. Programme Director for Word on Fire Ministries. Brendan is a Lay Theologian speaking to thousands of people each year. Theme: This is my Body – Eucharistic revival.
Wednesday 19th March: Fr Philip Caldwell who is a parish priest of the Salford Diocese who taught Theology for many years at Ushaw Seminary before its closure; he writes for the Catholic Truth Society and gives retreats. Theme: The Eucharist & and the Saints.
Wednesday 26th March: Bishop Alan Williams, our own Bishop of the Diocese, a Marist, former Director of the Shrine in Walsingham, and Bishop of the Diocese for over ten years. A Doctor of Psychology, and the Conference of Bishops’ delegate on many commissions. Theme: The Eucharist & Our Blessed Lady.
Wednesday 2nd April: Fr Stephen Morrison (O Pream), Norbertine Parish Priest of Our Lady of Sorrows, Peckham. After studying French at Oxford entered the Norbertine Order. Latin Scholar and speaks several other languages. Gifted preacher.
Theme: “Eucharistic Doctrine of Song: The ‘Lauda Sion’ of St Thomas Aquinas.”