Woodford Green

About St Antony's RC Primary School
St Antony's Mission Statement
‘God is at the heart of our school.
With the help of our community, we will strive to learn, love and achieve.’
At St Antony’s, we place the person of Jesus Christ at the centre of all we do. We value the
uniqueness of each individual and recognise that each of us has a special part to play in
creating a better world and building up God’s kingdom here on earth.
About the school
Our core purpose is teaching and learning and at St Antony's, learning never stops! We believe in lifelong learning and the continuous development of all. Excellent teaching and a loving, happy and safe environment help us to achieve our principle aim of equipping each pupil with the skills and emotional intelligence they need to lead their lives and succeed in school and beyond.
To support with this, we offer a broad, balanced and enriching curriculum that gives our children the skills, knowledge, personal qualities and values that will help them flourish in today’s world. English, maths, Religious Education and science are fundamental aspects of a child’s education; however, we also value the profound impact that the humanities, arts, technology and physical education have on the development and well-being of each pupil.
St Antony’s has a great sense of tradition; many of our valued members of staff have taught here for numerous years and we are pleased to see past pupils return with their own children.
Our Squirrel Vision
Storing up knowledge for the future with,
Qualities eagerly developed amongst each child
Uniqueness is celebrated, understanding fostered, creating
Inquisitive, independent, individuals who are
Remembering, retaining
Retrieving knowledge through
Effort and enthusiasm
Learning to love just like our Lord Jesus Christ
Our Be-Attitudes (Values)
For admissions, please click on this link
Mornington Road
Woodford Wells
Woodford Green
For more information about the school please visit their website:
Headteacher: Ms Chantal Pampellonne
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Kathryn Poulter
Chair of governors: Mr Damian Atkinson
Tel : 020 8504 4706