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Beaver Scouts

The Beavers section is for children aged 6 - 8. 

This is the first and youngest section in the Scouting family. Young people can join Beaver Scouts in the three months leading up to their sixth birthday. They can move to the next section, Cub Scouts, between 8 and 8 years, 6 months. 


For girls 7 – 10 years following on from Rainbows and preparing for Guides. The group meets every Tuesdays during term time from 6.30pm – 8.00pm in the Becket Centre.

Cub Scouts

The Cub Section is for children aged 8 to 10 years, six months and boys are grouped into "Sixes".

The Cubs have a varied programme with pack nights covering everything from road safety to the history of Epping Forest, alongside this the Cubs have a football team in the district league and enter the swimming gala, sports day and district quiz competition each year. The highlight of the Pack calendar is of course the camps, in an average year the Cubs camp under canvas at least twice and have two activity weekends.

Guides (15th Woodford)

For Girls of 10-15 yrs, meet every Friday during term time between 6.30 - 8.30pm in the Henrietta Suite.
Leaders are always looking for new ideas and if anyone in the Parish has a speciality they would like to share with us please let us know.

The 15th Woodford Rainbows

We meet in the Becket Centre on a Tuesday (term-time) at 5pm until 6.30pm and girls are between the ages of 5-7. 


The Scout Section is the senior section in the 43rd EFS Scout Group, and is made up of children aged 10½ to 14. 

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Parish Office Tel: 020 8504 1686
The Friary  Tel: 020 8504 1688



St. Thomas of Canterbury Church

557/559 High Road
Woodford Green
Essex IG8 0RB


09:30 - 13:30 Mon - Fri

St Thomas of Canterbury Woodford Green
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